Huion is one of the key manufacturers of graphics tablets worldwide. The brand was founded in 2011 as a technology company. Over the past few years, Huion has acquired a plethora of patents and has become one of the most important suppliers of graphics tablets worldwide.

The company designs, manufactures and sells pen tablets, pen tablets with screens and additional accessories for its products. The flagship products of the Kamvas and Inspiroy series are characterized by high quality, unique features and affordable prices.

All Huion products are developed at its R&D center located in Shenzen. The manufacturer provides support for the most popular desktop platforms – Windows, macOS and Linux. Graphic tablets also work with Android-based mobile devices.

Huion focuses on user experience, which has a very strong influence on the design of the next generation of devices. The company is building a community around its users, who can participate in a number of art contests.

We acquired the Huion brand for distribution in 2019 after months of negotiation talks and the preparation of a Polish distribution network.

Dilectro distributes such models as:


Produkty HUION znajdziesz w sklepach

HUION Kamvas 13
HUION Kamvas Pro 16 2,5K

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